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Ownership Over the Creative Process

Guided and Self-Exploration

Welcome to BNS art! Art is offered for Kindergarten through Eighth grade.

In class, many aspects of art are covered, and students are exposed to a variety of media. My goal for the students is for them to experience a combination of a choice-based art room where they feel ownership in the creative process of creating art, as well as creating projects that support their general classroom studies. My hopes are that they explore the many different materials that can be used to create art, learn new skills in visual arts, and learn about various artists and styles. Students will create a portfolio of work that is stored in their classroom art space throughout the year. They will choose from their portfolio a few of their favorite artworks to be displayed at the End of Year Arts Show. Please view the grade level links for a general overview of the art curriculum.

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Art Class

Class Curricula

 In Kindergarten through Fifth grade, students create art that explores many themes, skill building, art styles, while learning art vocabulary during a guided portion of class. This is paired with a self guided opportunity where students are able to explore problems solving, experimentation,  and intrinsic inspiration.

For students in Sixth grade, students adjust to how art is more formally assessed, through a combination of guided sketchbook assignments along with self paced projects.


Seventh and Eighth grade is a combined course where students have the opportunity to complete a high school, Art I Foundations course. 

School-Wide Events

In addition to classroom curricula, there are many all-school art opportunities that the students experience every year, including:

  • Items personalized with art for a fundraiser

  • Show school spirit with school tie dye t-shirts

  • Collaboration on a class project for the BNS Auction fundraiser (when applicable)

  • Art display at the University Mall for the BNS Chocolate Party

  • An art rotation during Messy Day

  • Spring Tie Dye Event

  • End of Year Art Show

Paint Brushes
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